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We are all unique puzzle pieces on this Earth. I believe that the better we know who we are and how our piece fits, the easier we can flow through life.  The more you know about your charts you will be able to better navigate the world and illuminate parts of yourself that you may struggle to understand. In a Chart Reading we will look at your Astrological/Birth/Natal chart and your Trinity of the Zodiac: Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign. I will also walk you through an introduction of your Human Design chart.

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A unique astrology chart is born the moment your baby takes their first breath. We can uncover how you help guide your child by understanding who they are based on their personal charts. The more you know about your child’s charts you will be able to help them navigate the world. I will guide you through your child's Astrological/Birth/Natal chart and their Trinity of the Zodiac: Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign. I will also walk you through an introduction to their Human Design chart.



Step with me into Sacred Space for an energy healing and chakra balancing session. As a Reiki II practitioner, I live a high vibrational life to be a clear and clean channel which assists you in healing yourself. I use ancient techniques to hold space for your energy body that helps you move through energy blocks from life’s challenges. These techniques can help you heal from something or someone lost. Reiki has endless advantages whether you want to receive Reiki for emotional trauma healing, energy level balancing, or to spiritually develop yourself.



Let’s take a  journey together with the cards to help us uncover the answers that you seek. This is an interactive healing/reading experience where we connect the dots from what the cards reveal. We use Tarot cards to discover the answer to your key question.


This is an introduction to what I call Trail Guiding. I believe that we are here to walk each other home and that on this journey we are the mapmakers. While we are walking on our path we may get lost, lose our way and we need someone to guide us and hold a light...a Trail Guide.

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We believe that the womb space is the most sacred part of a woman’s body. We know that we all have encountered trauma, not only this lifetime, but past lives as well. We have dedicated our lives to heal, connect & understand our womb space by sending healing energy to this area of our bodies.

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I will create a personalized ceremony for you based on a 30-minute consultation. I will prepare, set up & create your ceremony depending on what we discuss. The ceremony will be held in Sacred Space with the highest intention for your greatest good.

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