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Meet Your Child Through the Stars

A unique astrology chart is born the moment your baby takes their first breath. We can uncover how you help guide your child by understanding who they are based on their personal charts. The more you know about your child’s charts you will be able to help them navigate the world. I will guide you through your child's Astrological/Birth/Natal chart and their Trinity of the Zodiac: Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign. I will also walk you through an introduction to their Human Design chart. 


Together we will learn the following about your child:

How they shine their unique light into the world

How they communicate

What their soul’s purpose may be in this lifetime 

How to support and guide your child

What are other key astrological indicators


90-Minute Reading

$179  Energy Exchange

Family Package (3 or more family members) $150 per chart


Reading Includes:

90-Minute Session

Child’s Astrological Birth Chart PDF 

Child’s Human Design Chart PDF 

Personalized Chart Bundle 


In-person or Video Chat Sessions Options

Personalized Gift Certificates Available

Meet Your Child Through the Stars: Services
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